Saturday, January 24, 2009

Is the love affair between President Barack Obama and the liberal news media is officially over

Quiet. Listen. Can you hear it? The violins are playing a sad, sad melody. Yes, the love affair between President Barack Obama and the liberal news media is officially over. And so soon? It's so sad. According to Associated Press releases, "Team Obama" has contacted the news media and is trying to force them to use his own professionally done pictures of the inauguration instead of the pictures that they took to record the event as it was happening. Makes you wonder, what does he have to hide at the event or is he just worried that the press may not have gotten his "good side" in the photographs? Now, the same people that hailed him as being a Messianic figure that even the geese were looking down in awe at during his swearing in, are grumbling that they don't have the freedom to report the event the way it happened. Hello! What have we been trying to tell these knuckleheads?! Could they finally have their eyes opened now that it's too late to do something about it?! Lately, he's been testy with the media, threatening not to come to the White house Press Room if they're going to bombard him with questions. Isn't that what the White house Press Room is for? According to a story on News Busters ( ), "Sun-Times columnist Carol Marin reported that Obama has a special list of reporters upon whom he'll call during press conferences. Marin reported that the reporters not on the special list have realized they shouldn't even bother to raise their hands." Hmm, have you guys ever heard of Pravda?

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